Thursday, October 14, 2010

Seiter Toys R Us

1. In my strategic communications campaigns course that I am taking this semester, we read a book called "Brand Sense: Sensory Secrets Behind The Stuff We Buy". The book basically says that in order for companies to grow they need to appeal to more senses than sight and sound. In one section, they talked about how Toys R Us uses artificial scents that replicate the smell of Play-Doh and it is released it certain aisles of the store. Do you think this is an attempt to raise Play-Doh sales directly or do you think this just reminds parents of the smell they remember as a kid and pushes them to buy other toys?

2. I thought it was interesting how toy companies sell separately each character, monster, villain, etc. from a particular series. While that doesn't surprise me, I think it makes a lot of sense. But do you think shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for example, intentionally create new characters as often as possible because they know they can turn that person into a toy as well? In other words changing the storyline of a program in an effort to make the company commercially successful.

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