Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Giroux Article

Children should be granted the right to learn without all of the corporate reminders being placed in front of them at school. Students have enough on their minds without having to worry about materialistic things. But in todays society is advertising a necessity for these kids to even be able to go to school? With the economy and how schools barely have enough money for the essentials, are these advertisements that are being placed in the "hallways, bathrooms, classrooms, vending machines, lunch menus, and busses" paying for these kids to be there? And if so, how fair is that? Because of how the economy, the one thing that everyone needs "education" is being distracted by the one thing that is paying for these kids to receive education...advertising.

Even in textbooks these students are finding advertisements for "Gatorade, Nike, and Sony," but the book never hits on the low dirty conditions of these sweatshops that make these products. And just when you think you are safe in the rest room....they are exposed to advertisements even while sitting on the toilet, or standing at the urnal. It is not fair that the students, and even most teachers have no say in these marketing ploys. "The schools are switching priorities from education to marketing products." Where is the line drawn? In 20 years, what will children in schools be exposed to? What are the guidelines if any for companies to be able to advertise to students while at school?

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