Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Giroux Article

- Having attended Milwaukee Public Schools all my life I remember when the corporate world latched onto the schools bringing in brand name vending machines, athletic gear, and contributions to the theater program at my H.S. I also remember during my H.S. career that the classroom curriculum was the last area that received donations. I will venture off and say that I believe that privatization for public education is necessary in the right areas, however those areas in the classroom are the last to be touched because everyone's extra curricular activities outshine the classroom achievements. So, if public schools are ever going to "compete" with private schools than those looking at the problem need to shift their thought process. In a new documentary, "Waiting for Superman" the Washington DC public school system is being criticized for everything this article talks about, but blames the teachers union for their lack of leadership and responsibility. If children don't have the haven of knowledge and security within their schools, than why aren't we as a society taking more of an abrupt stance and standing up for our futures education?
Here's a trailer link for anyone interested in the documentary:

- Giroux states on page 89 that students represent an individual consumer while teachers are represented as the ultimate salespeople. When exactly did one's education reach the level of a commodity that can be traded or lost to the corporate picture? If we continue to displace students and bring forth individual consumers what happens to the individual wants and goals of that student? How far will their corporate education take them? Why aren't we as a society living up to the expectations of the future to change or re-write thier paths?

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