Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jenkins Chapter 3

Is Jenkins suggesting that transmedia storytelling will soon be the most dominant form of expression surrounding blockbuster movies? Will we need to buy into games and comics in addition to the movie for us to get full enjoyment out of the movie? He is telling us that many producers are sitting back and watching others do it first to see what type of system they are using before they themselves try it out, but once they figure it out, will this type of storytelling take over?

Jenkins gives a list of 11 questions that a fan stated could be the answer to what The Matrix is about. Personally, I am not a fan of movies that leave me feeling questionable or feeling as I have not properly understood the movie at the end. Although the old Hollywood style of movie production may get a bit repetitive, I believe that SOME redundancy and background information is necessary for a movie to be understood, especially for sequels or spin-offs that a first timer might be viewing.

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