Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seiter Article

- In this article Seiter references Mattel's Barbie Doll as the line extension success par excellence. This is unbelievably true as the Pink aisle is forever shouting pink, while young girls get their first Barbie and play in the Malibu Barbie Dream House. However, with the lack of actual commercial advertisement would it be safe to say that Barbie's success has been founded solely on the previous generations experiences and nostalgic mannerisms? If so, are there other toys that have succeeded through multiple generations?

- When did the corporate world realize that they could profit off of a merchandise daycare for both children and parents? I mean this article is implying that utilizing Toys R Us as a pivotal tool in teaching life lessons to a child and an area to releve stresses; is this the direction and marketing tools to sustain a businesses goals and targets?

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