Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thornham Article

- On page 134 Thornham discusses the differences between "normal and geek" gamers. Understanding the distinct differences is it possible to fall into both categories instead of being slotted into one? For instance, there are many gamers that play "normal" within social settings, especially since consoles these days are geared more directly to achieving this goal; yet many of those same gamers die to play WOW (World of Warcraft) or other "geek" games. No matter the preference of gamer, a common thread is in mind: gaming for enjoyment... so where does the loss of self empowerment occur, if any?

- I think rationalizing or trying to rationalize the social function and necessity of video game consoles is hysterical. Men and women will always have different excuses for why they possess the console. Whether it's having it to play DVDs/ Blue Rays to using it as an ice breaker, the sole purpose is the same, to entertain. So if technology continues to climb and out do its competition (Wii, Xbox Kinect) where will the video game industry be in ten years? I mean, will the whole game be embedded in us some how since we no longer need controllers to play... just a thought?