Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jenkins Chapter 6 and Conclusion

Jenkins talks about how the current diversification of communication channels is politically important because "it expands the range of voices that can be heard: though some voices comman greater prominence than others, no one voice speaks with unquestioned authority. Over time, as technology has advanced, so has the spread of political views in the form of blogs, parodies, videos, etc. Do you think this is a positive or negative change? Yes, people now are able to attain political information more quickly, but does take away from people's desire to do their own thinking? Do you think people rely on blogging and other political opinionated media too much in their political decision making?

Jenkins talks of the power of convergence culture in enabling new forms of participation and collaboration. Do you think convergence culture has allowed the masses to become more powerful than those leading our nation, or do you think convergence culture has simply enabled those in power to control more aspects of the lives of the masses? Or do you think, as Jenkins states, that we are still in transition and will reach a point to which the former becomes true?

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