Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Becker Chapter 1

In the reading Becker talks about the implementation of diversity training among corporations in the early 1990s. I found this particularly interesting, as a few years ago I personally trained for a customer service position with a corporation in which one of their core values was "diversity." The removal of the policies regarding equality could have been interpreted very differently, but as Becker explains, management sought to look for ways to acknowledge the differences among people.

One aspect of the Becker reading I found to be particularly astonishing was the part on the Creative Class members Florida interviewed and how they would ask a company during an interview if they offered same-sex partner benefits to find out how "tolerant" a climate the company had. It's sad that a "tolerant" climate has to be sought out rather than in abundance. I feel that today, more so than ever, non conformity to the norm is far more socially acceptable. It has almost become more of a trend to go against tradition in many different aspects of life. Does this make companies more "tolerant" of diversity as well? To what degree do societal trends impact corporate decision making?

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