Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rose & Friedman Article

- Ok, so I ultimately love the fact that Football is being compared to a daytime Soap Opera, and I am wondering why is there so much effort to beef up the sport of football, or any sport for that matter? Why are men so unaccepting of the feminine traits that they have, to go to the extreme to avoid exposing them?

- As I'm reading this post I am intrigued with the notion of televised football being compared to the daytime soap opera, however when I got to page 9 I hesitated in regards to the discriminatory tensions faced on the football field. I have been a football fan for yrs and watch it weekly, and always thought "positions of power" were held by those who preformed the most accurately and consistently; earning that position. However this article sheds a new perspective and I'm wondering when did the great American past time become a black vs. white game? I mean almost every situation in society today is ultimately broken down to exhibit a discrimination of some kind and exploit it for all it's worth. Why just football, or is it other sports as well that could be exploited for a black vs. white thing?

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