Wednesday, November 10, 2010


When this was written, it says that the annual revenue for weddings was set at $32 billion. At the time, wedding planning software and websites were not factored into this amount. How much impact has the Internet had on the revenue? Has it increased the revenue greatly with all the new sources available and items to purchase, or has the Internet cut some of the costs of books and magazines by providing information for free? I think both.

I never realized how segregated the wedding industry was until after reading this article. Why is the white bride with blond hair such an ideal model for the wedding industry? Wouldn’t bridal magazines want to use different types of brides (in regards to appearance) as models on their covers and in the layouts in order to hit a variety of consumers? I understand the concept of wanting to have a very specific demographic to target advertising at, but isn’t this going a little too far?

“Children are socialized to understand the importance of coupling,” writes Ingraham. This is a story I’ve found posted on many of my friend’s Facebook pages that I thought was a good read and reminded me of this quote. I found it interesting that by age five, this child already knows the coupling of socially accepted boy and girl costumes and somewhat knows how people will react if you deviate from the accepted "coupling." Here is the link if anybody wants to read it:

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