Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rose and Friedman

The article makes a lot of points validating the claim that watching sports on television is a very masculine form of entertainment. One thing I have observed though is that females are just as likely to watch sports as males when the team is their local team. For instance, on Sundays I have been watching most Packers games from the same bar and have noticed that there are almost as many women as their are men in the bar to watch the game. But when the Packers are done playing, many of the women leave and it is mostly males sticking around to watch the other football games of the day. So I wonder if there is a correlation between sports and the local team?

"The boundary of the television screen apparently dissolves, as the symbolic exchange of sports becomes actual, and the spectator is literally absorbed in the virtual reality of television sports." This quote really stood out to me and it seems even more apparent in recent years. HD television offers more clarity, increased camera angles put you closer to the action, and social media puts you into the "conversation" of professional athletes before and after the games. With the recent development of 3-D televisions, do you think we will ever hit that wall where we can't get absorb anymore in the virtual reality of television sports? Or do you think we will only continue to get more and more virtually involved?

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