Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Douglas and Michaels

There have been numerous tv shows on raising kids, celebrity moms, teen pregnancies etc. Most of these shows dont even have famous people of celebs on the show, or maybe they just host it; but it seems to me that they push this glamerous style of living while raising kids at a young age. As they mention in the article, many news stands have gossip magazines focusing on babies, young children, raising kids, and sure it is easy for them to say its not hard raising kids because they are rich, live in huge houses, probably have a butler, babysitter, chef and other paid hepers to make the adjustment as easy as possible, ad when you dont have to work to support your family, sure it would be easy devoting all your time to the new addiditon to the family. What about for the majority of people trying to raise kids, the ones going to school, working 2 jobs, living in single family homes....
Why does the media depict these celeb moms to flaunt their babies almst as an accessory, rather than a responsibility ? What messages does this style of raising a child give off? Do teens follow suit, hoping they will turn out like these highly paid celebrities? When the baby is born is that when reality hits home?

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