Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Becker Intro

Becker referenced a lot of 90s and early 2000s television shows that featured a shift in episode content to the occasional gay reference. Then Becker mentioned Will & Grace being one of the first prime-time shows that featured a gay main character. Do you think we can credit W&G for allowing other shows to follow in their footsteps? I wrote my paper last semester on the ABC show Modern Family, a show which features a gay couple (Mitch and Cam) and are for the most part accepted by everyone.

On The Soup (E! Network) they regularly poke fun of talk shows, reality shows, prime-time, etc. So when they do their segment called "Gay Shows," I wonder if this helps or hurts the advancement of gay rights in the form of television? I would argue that it helps because the show makes fun of everybody. That is probably a bad logic, but I think it is true. I don't think it is fair to walk on egg shells worrying they might offend the gay community when they are probably offending everybody. I kind of see it as them looking at these shows on the same level as all other shows.

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