Friday, September 3, 2010

JMC 562 blog for reading questions

Hi folks,
The blog is up and running. Post away!


  1. Questions for "Cultural studies: an introuction":

    1. Do you think all the basic assumptions of cultural studies come more from its historical contingency, its unequal division of ethnic, gender, generational, and class lines, or an equal distribution of both?

    2.Are you as concerned as Stuart Hall is about the enormous explosion of cultural studies in the US in terms of its rapid professionalization and institutionalization?

  2. Questions for "Cultural Studies, Multicultualism, and Media Culture":

    1. How much do you thing things such as television, film, and popular music impact cultural studies?

    2.Why do you think linguistic and nonlinguistic cultual "signs" are so universal in their meanings? What would happen if someone decided to buck the trend? Ex: Used a rose for a symbol of hate in a movie or television show.

  3. Questions for Cultural Studies: An Introduction

    Is the purpose of Storey's article to show people that cultural studies can never be given hard and fast rules of what is and what is not cultural studies?

    Will cultural studies one day become the study analysis of what others have determined to be "cultural studies" instead of trying to determine that for oneself?

  4. Cultural Studies: An Introduction

    Why do we focus on broadening the definition of cultural studies rather than separating it into two different definitions entirely: pop culture studies and traditional culture studies?

    Hall's demand is that cultural studies should be primarily centered around the idea of discovering why our societies do not contain the capacity to live with difference. Why don't we focus on how to live with difference rather than why we cannot?

  5. Cultural Studies: An introduction

    1- Where does the line of manipulation within popular culture create cultural dupes?

    2- Is this manipulation formed at the presence of culture or learned/ manipulated over time?

  6. Kellner: Cultural Studies, Mulitculturalism & Media Culture

    1- Does cultural studies really promote feedom and individuality or is that just another manipulation tactic enhanced by our own culture?

    2- Does emphasis on audience reception and appropriation help one overcome the stereotypical orientations to culture?

  7. Kellner:

    If there are dominant messages in any text, how do we believe anything? Should we question everything?

    The article talks about past ideological movies and TV networks that were biased towards Reagan, if we know this happened before are we putting enough emphasis on if its happening again?

  8. Questions for "Cultural Studies: an introduction"

    1) Towards the end of the article, Storey explains how cultural studies have changed a great deal since earlier days. Do you think this trend will continue in the future, or have we hit a stand still where it would be hard to continue to change?
    2) Isn't it possible that the "crisis" in cultural studies can be pin-pointed on other elements besides those of Marxism?

  9. Cultural Studies: An Introduction

    Cultural studies insists that culture's importance derives from the fact that it helps constitute the structure and shape the history. How is this so?

    In the second way Marxism informs cultural studies, what makes cultural studies assume that capitalist industrial societies are divided unequally?

  10. Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture.

    1) The reading suggests that from "cradle to grave" we are in a media consumer society and suggests that media culture is what forms our individual identities and beliefs. How much of our individual identities do you think media culture accounts for? I'd like to think that some of who I am, is based off of how I was raised and the people around me. But I suppose you can argue that those people could have also been influenced by consumer society as well.

    2) Do you think we are overemphasizing reception and textual analysis and under emphasizing the production of culture? I'd tend to think that we are slowly getting closer to that middle ground.

  11. 1)One area I found interesting that relates with my life now is Volosinov's argument of meaning being determined by context of articulation. I like his argument that cultural texts are, and have to be viewed from multiple perspectives to fully understand them. Thus, meaning is a social production which I completely agree with.

    2)Another interesting argument is the idea that pop culture is made by those in power who want to make money and impose their will. I agree with this as we see today's youth wanting to resemble celebrities and be up on the new fashions, such as those new wristbands that are in shapes. Come on, seriously?

  12. Kellner questions:

    As globalization makes the world "smaller" and blurs cultural lines, will we ever get to a point in time in which cultural studies becomes obsolete?

    Since cultural studies is so broad, couldn't it become dangerous in the hands of those who try to use it to justify racism, sexism etc?

  13. Semiotic Analysis Questions:

    1. What do you think is the most effective form of semiology?

    2. How does the text affect the way the signs are used/perceived?
