Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Berger: Marxist Analysis

- What are the deficiencies and drawbacks that Berger is referring to regarding Enzenberger's theory? Aren't there "raw" truthful pictures/ video footage within the media today ranging on varying topics? From the stupid wacked out videos on Tosh.O to "raw" footage covering the war on news programs world wide to the crazy "What the Stars Really Look Like" photos found in every newsstands magazine, a form of truth is provided, right? Or is it that society today is so use to being manipulated that we believe everything if not all of what we hear, see and understand?

- How is it that the consumer society has allowed the advertising powerhouses to regulate what we want, buy and see? Everyone is pushing the envelope, whether it be the pocket books, the taste in fashion, sports or music. The advertising world bends over backwards for the consumer yet that it never enough. How did the advertising world transform consumer society from the 1950's styles of commercials to todays edgy methods?

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