Thursday, September 16, 2010

1. In the Berger article, the idea of alienation is brought up. The reading suggests that people who are alienated, through unconsciousness, may become separated and not realize that they are alienated. But what about that group of people who consciously alienate themselves and are aware of doing so? I don't think that would fall under the first description of "false consciousness" or "unconsciousness", so how would you describe those groups of people?

2. It was interesting reading about the consciousness behind advertising and how it maintains our consumer culture. In a different class, I had to read a book about how advertising is going to eventually have to put more focus on emphasis on our senses. As it currently stands, most advertising is through sight and sound. But if you can incorporate things such as touch and taste, the product will hit people on more levels and the more senses you hit, the more of an impact it has. It is an interesting thing to think about though because a lot of advertising that does appeal to other senses, you won't even realize. So is that unconsciousness advertising?

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