Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Berger Article

It seems like this article kind of goes against the ones we read yesterday about cultural studies. If Semiotics is all about decoding the meaning of texts and media, who is to say what the 'correct' symbols are and mean? If there is one hidden code in any text, shouldn't we question what that message is that media throws at us? This is the reason why I don't think semiotics is the best way to analyze a text. The fact that there are elaborated codes and restricted codes and a child learns one of them to see his or her life through just shows that the codes wouldn't be consistent.

When Berger talked about 'unconscious intertexuality' it made me think of the TV shows that we watch today. When a new type of show becomes popular, for ex. when reality TV became popular, the creators definitely intentionally related each new show to be like the previous. Each new genre in reality TV, whether it be contest based(American Idol), everyday lives(true life), celebrities, etc., still takes ideas from previous shows.

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