Monday, September 13, 2010

Fiske articles

I really enjoyed reading Fiske's article about signification. I have always been interested in the ideas of other perspectives. So the idea of comparing ideal locations to raise a child with other eras or the photograph of the street example were especially interesting. Shouldn't everything, not just media, be evaluated like that. Why do we have to take everything for face value? Ask questions and get a full perspective on everything. Is there anything in media that isn't filtered, distorted, or edited? It's hard to think of anything off the top of my head.

With the Notting Hill article, I can't help but think that there are situations that call for photo editing. Obviously slimming the waist of a model for a magazine cover isn't one of those situations. But for artistic sake or for enhancing an otherwise poor quality photo, editing is key to really "making" the photo. It kind of goes with what I said about the first reading, you really need to dive in and understand WHY it was published that particular way.

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